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Home Loan Applications by Race/Ethnicity

In 2021, the proportion of home loan applications in Lancaster County differed by race and ethnicity

Information about loan applications is available for applicants with an address in Lancaster County. This data is from all mortgage lenders, some of which are national, and is not limited to mortgage lenders or banks with physical offices in Lancaster County. 

Non-white residents are not pursuing homeownership at the same rate as white residents. In Lincoln:

  • Latino/a or Hispanic residents represent 7.5% of Lancaster County’s population, and submitted 2.5% of home loan applications.
  • Black or African American residents represent 3.7% of Lancaster County’s population, and submitted 2.0% of home loan applications.
  • Asian residents represent 4.2% of Lancaster County’s population, and submitted 3.2% of home loan applications.
  • American Indian or Alaska Native residents represent 0.4% of Lancaster County’s population, and submitted 0.3% of home loan applications.
  • White residents represent 80.0% of Lancaster County’s population, and submitted 89.6% of home loan applications.
  • Joint applicants who were of different races submitted 2.3% of home loan applications.

U.S. Census Bureau. American Community Survey, ACS 5-Year Estimates Detailed Tables, Table B01001 Series, 2022.

Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Data.

Includes only applications that contained race or ethnicity information. Race and ethnicity designations with counts in the single digits are suppressed to protect privacy; this includes applicants identifying with two or more races.