Lincoln Vital Signs Report pages are currently being updated from 2022 to 2025.
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The Lincoln Vital Signs Race Equity Trends 2024 Report focuses on these key areas:

Community Profile
Lincoln’s population growth and diversity.
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Financial Well-Being
Employment, household income, educational attainment, housing wealth, and home ownership.
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Housing & Neighborhoods
Poverty, housing cost burden, and student homelessness in Lincoln.
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Lincoln’s early childhood, p-12, and
post-secondary measures.
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Health factors, healthcare access, prenatal care, and mental health.
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Since 2014, Lincoln Vital Signs has been a community-wide data resource. The Lincoln Vital Signs: Race Equity Trends 2024 report is sponsored by Lincoln’s and Nebraska’s largest public and private charitable organizations. This focus issue continues the tradition of providing credible, reliable information about Lincoln. Data from the report are used by organizations and individuals to inform decisions, spark connections, and spur collaboration.
Lincoln Vital Signs: Race Equity Trends 2024 presents data in chapters covering: Community Profile, Financial Well-Being, Housing and Neighborhoods, Education, and Health. For the purposes of this report, data is broken out and presented by race and ethnicity to highlight the diversity of our community, and to identify opportunities to increase prosperity for all Lincoln residents.
Lincoln Vital Signs
Key Findings:
Lincoln is growing more diverse, a trend that will likely continue.
- Over time, our population has become more diverse, with the percentage of residents of color growing in the past decade.
- When compared with adults, there is an even higher percentage of children (under age 18) identifying with non-white races and ethnicities, indicating that the overall trend toward increasing diversity will continue. This growing diversity can be seen in both our overall population as well as in Lincoln Public Schools enrollment.
- People moving into Lincoln currently drives our population growth; in the past 5 years, the percentage of people moving into Lincoln who identify as one or more non-white racial or ethnic groups has grown.
Lincoln does well in a number of areas when considering racial equity.
- People serving on City Boards and Commissions, who are appointed by the Mayor, are representative of the racial and ethnic make-up of the city.
- Measures of racial segregation have been low since 1990 for almost all racial or ethnic groups in Lincoln.
- Workforce participation and employment rates are higher for some racial and ethnic groups than the city-wide average; this is the case for those who identify as Asian, as Latino/a or Hispanic, and as two or more races.
- The majority of Lincoln’s population, across all racial and ethnic groups, have achieved some education after high school.
While diversity is increasing, persistent disparities exist.
- Disparities in educational attainment exist.
- Compared to Lincoln overall, a high rate of adults 25 years of age or older with less than a high school degree exists among Lincoln residents who identify as Latino/a or Hispanic, Asian, Black or African American, and two or more races.
- Although a majority of Lincoln’s adult population has received at least some college or an Associate’s degree, disparities in education increase for those receiving a Bachelor’s degree or higher; residents who identify as Latino/a or Hispanic, Black or African American, or two or more races have lower rates of receiving a Bachelor’s degree than the Lincoln population overall.
- Black or African American residents, and Native American residents, experience lower employment rates than the Lincoln city-wide average.
- Median household incomes are lower for most non-white households; only white and Asian households have average incomes higher than the Lincoln city-wide average.
- Severe housing cost burden is disproportionately experienced by non-white households.
- Housing wealth is disparately distributed. This is likely related to lower rates of home loan applications, combined with lower home loan approval rates, across all non-white racial or ethnic groups.
- Rates of not having a primary care doctor are substantially higher for Lincoln residents who are Latino/a or Hispanic, Asian or Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Black or African American, and Native American or Alaska Native.
Financial factors are related to children’s educational outcomes.
- Students identifying as racial and ethnic groups that have higher average median household incomes (white and Asian) are more likely than students identifying with other races or ethnicities to:
- Achieve third grade language arts proficiency;
- Be identified for the gifted program;
- Graduate.
The City of Lincoln, Lincoln Public Schools, and many businesses, non-profits, and other organizations currently have programs working to address areas of disparity identified in this report and promote equitable opportunities.
Helping Lincoln Prosper
Lincoln Vital Signs findings led the community to create Prosper Lincoln. Lincoln Vital Signs reports help the community Be Informed and Prosper Lincoln encourages the community to Get Involved. Prosper Lincoln is creating a framework for addressing priorities in Early Childhood, Innovative Workforce, Affordable Housing, Strong Neighborhoods, and Civic Investment.