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Dropout Rate
Lincoln Public Schools district dropout rate continues to decline
The Lincoln Public Schools (LPS) dropout rate was 1.6%18 during the 2020-21 school year, slightly higher than the Nebraska public schools dropout rate of 1.3%.
- The LPS dropout rate has decreased 2.7% since the 2001-02 school year, when the dropout rate was 4.3%.
- The LPS dropout rate has decreased in the past decade since 2010-11, when the dropout rate was 2.4%.
18. The district dropout rate is calculated by dividing the total number of 7th-12th grade students who dropped out by the official fall enrollment for grades 7-12. A student who dropped out either enrolled in school the previous school year but did not enroll at the beginning of the current school year, has not graduated from high school or completed a state or district-approved education program, or has aged out.